Rural Roads
Roads within Grant township may be state, county, or the township's responsibility and may not be maintained at the same level as city streets. Some roads may be privately owned and, like driveways, require private maintenance. The funds to maintain roads come primarily out of the property taxes paid by the citizens of the Town of Grant. Improvements are restricted by the amount of funds available in any given year. The Town Board assesses the condition of all the town roads on an annual basis. Dead end roads in the town are generally not paved, but are maintained with periodic grading. Check carefully with officials of the road's jurisdiction to verify any claim that a road will be paved, bridges replaced, or other improvements made in the near future. Narrow roads, bridge weight limits and spring thaws may restrict some vehicles necessary for construction. If you plan to build, it is best to check out construction access well in advance.
Weather Impacts
Wisconsin's fluctuating weather conditions can destroy roads. Spring freeze/thaw cycles leave some roads subject to heavy damage. Vehicle weights are often limited during the spring thaw period. In extreme weather, heavy snow and/or drifting may cause rural roads to become impassable. Not every road can be plowed first. The Town of Grant has almost 40 miles of roads. There is only one truck, one grader and one employee to plow them all. The Town has a policy regarding priority of roads plowed. Clearing private drives is not the responsibility of the town, but for a fee, they may be plowed after the priorities are met, as long as the driveway is such that a truck/plow may maneuver safely. This is based on the Town Board's discretion.
Private Drives and Driveway Permits
Access to or from public roads is regulated by the road district jurisdiction responsible for the road. The Town of Grant has a driveway ordinance requiring a driveway permit when abutting a town road (there is a fee). Contact a town board member before you start constructing your driveway. When planning a private drive, be sure to consider and plan for access and turn around space for emergency vehicles such as fire trucks, ambulance and rescue, and snow plows. Your life and home may depend on it. Culverts for driveways may be purchased from the Dunn County Highway Department through the town.
Emergency Service Access
Response times of emergency service providers (sheriff, firefighters, medical care, etc.) will likely be longer in the country than in a city. Distances traveled and the volunteer nature of most rural services can add to the response time. Emergency 911 service is available in the Town of Grant. It is important to know your fire number (your address) and have it posted by all phones in case of an emergency. It is also important to be able to relate major cross roads to dispatch since not all roads are continuous. Be aware that cell phone service is somewhat unreliable in rural areas due to land topography and distance to towers.
The legal aspects of access can cause problems, especially if you gain access across property belonging to others. Get legal advice prior to purchasing.
Pickups and Deliveries
Because of time and distance, delivery and pickup fees in a rural area are usually more expensive. Long private drives or rural settings may force school children to walk to the pickup site. The ride to school may also be long. Consolidation of school districts in rural areas means your children's school could be half a county from your home.